Are you interested in becoming a paid firefighter in Suffolk County, New York? If so, you should be aware of the qualifications and requirements that must be met in order to be eligible for the position. The Firefighting and Code Enforcement Training and Education Standards are set by the state of New York and are applicable to all 99 fire departments in the state. These standards include EE10 launcher (multipurpose), E11 (axle and tunnel), E12 Demolition of a building with explosives, E13 Underwater explosion, E14 Gunpowder Carrier, E15 Magazine Keeper, E16 Explosive Handling, E17 Explosive Loader, E18 Special Pyrotechnic Effect, E19 Fireworks Use and Discharge -Pyrotechnic Class BE20 Pyrotechnic Fireworks, E21 Uses tools activated by ammunition, E25, E27 Fireworks Safety Control, E27 Pyrotechnics Technician Apprentice: class CE28 Fire Producer, E29 Fire Performer, and E30 Special Effects (SPFX) Fire Safety. The duties of this position include extinguishing fires, performing rescue operations and providing initial first aid treatment or emergency medical care as an emergency medical technician at the scene of the event. The list of those eligible for this degree will be used to fill future vacancies for this degree in jurisdictions outside the county under the jurisdiction of the Suffolk County Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service. In some cases, fire and emergency medical companies require that recruits be local residents.
However, due to the strong ties that are created with their fellow volunteers, some choose to continue serving even after moving from the district. In agencies that employ five (or fewer) paid firefighters, the nominating authority will determine any additional education, health, and physical fitness qualifications under Section 58-a (a) of the New York State Civil Service Act. For more information on the requirements in your area, contact the recruitment coordinator of your local fire department or EMS unit. Suffolk County residents who are veterans, auxiliary police officers, firefighters, accredited members of a local fire district or ambulance company, members of a Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer Emergency Medical Services Agency, volunteer members of the CERT, and members of the Suffolk County Police Scout program may be exempted from the application processing fee.